Top 5 Single Parent Dating Sites

Below is Best10 Team’s choice of Canada's best dating sites for single parents. We have narrowed the selection for you based on choice, safety, functionality and success rates.

Last Updated: June, 2024

Displaying all recommended single parent dating sites

Tried and trusted Dating for single parents.

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For Single Parents Who Want To Have Fun.

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Great Value

Friendly, fun site founded by a single parent.

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In recent decades, the landscape of family structures has evolved significantly, leading to an increase in single parent households across Canada.

This shift reflects broader societal changes, including greater acceptance of diverse family dynamics and more women entering the workforce.

Single parents, whether through choice, divorce, or the loss of a serious relationship, find themselves navigating the challenging waters of raising children on their own, often while juggling work, household responsibilities, and personal growth.

Adding the dating game to this mix introduces another layer of complexity. Busy parents must balance the desire for a dating partner with the demands of parenting, all while considering the impact of new relationships on their children.

The unique challenges they face in dating include time constraints, finding partners on the same page, and the emotional intricacies of introducing new individuals into a family dynamic that may still be adjusting to past changes.

The Importance Of The Single Parent Dating App

Recognizing the unique challenges that single parents face in their dating endeavors, online dating apps tailored specifically for them play a crucial role in bridging the gap between solitude and companionship.

These sites offer more than just the opportunity to meet potential partners; they provide a supportive community that understands the complex dynamics of single parenthood.

This understanding fosters a judgment-free zone where individuals can be upfront about their circumstances and expectations, making it easier to find matches who are empathetic towards the time and emotional commitments involved in raising children alone.

Such platforms also prioritize safety and discretion, which are of paramount importance to parents protective of their family’s privacy.

Overall, these specialized online dating apps are invaluable for single parents seeking connections that respect their unique life situation, blending the pursuit of love with the realities of parenting.

Understanding the Needs of Single Parents in Dating Apps

Unique Challenges

Single parents navigating the dating world encounter a unique set of challenges that can significantly impact their experience and expectations.

Among these, time constraints are particularly prevalent. Balancing the responsibilities of child-rearing and work, single parents often find that dedicating time to developing personal relationships is not just a matter of desire, but of finding rare and irregular free moments.

Childcare responsibilities compound this issue, as the need to secure reliable and trustworthy care can limit opportunities for spontaneous meetings or dates.

Furthermore, the desire for understanding partners is a deeply felt need.

Single parents are not only looking for someone who accepts them but also someone who is willing to integrate into a family unit that includes their children. This requires a partner who is empathetic, patient, and willing to understand the dynamics and priorities of single parenthood.

Altogether, these challenges create a dating environment that demands more patience, flexibility, and understanding from potential partners.

The significance of single parent-centric dating apps

Dating platforms that cater specifically to single parents play a crucial role in mitigating these unique challenges.

They provide a space where single parents can meet others who are in similar life situations, thereby fostering a sense of understanding and empathy from the outset.

These specialized platforms often include features designed to accommodate the busy schedules of single parents, such as flexible communication options and the ability to clearly state one’s parenting status and preferences in partner selection.

This targeted approach reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings related to time constraints and childcare responsibilities, making the search for a compatible partner more efficient and less stressful.

Furthermore, by connecting individuals who are open to or share the experience of parenting, these dating sites enhance the potential for forming meaningful and lasting connections, not just between individuals, but within blended family units.

Criteria for Evaluating Single Parent Dating Sites

Trying to find the best dating apps for single parents requires careful consideration of several key factors to ensure a safe, positive, and fruitful experience.

Dating Pool

User Base and number of active users is paramount; a platform with a large and active community of single parents is more likely to yield compatible matches.


Safety Features such as verified profiles, encryption, and options to report and block suspicious users help protect personal information and foster a secure online environment.

Profile Options

Profile Customization Options allow users to accurately portray themselves and their unique situations, making it easier to find matches with similar interests and values.

Success Stories

Success Stories from former users can provide insights into the effectiveness of the platform and inspire confidence in its services.


Lastly, Cost-effectiveness is critical; the platform should offer good value for its services, with clear pricing structures and options to suit different budgets, ensuring that single parents can afford and access the resources needed to find meaningful connections.

Other Criteria To Consider

Features like Advanced Search Filters, Compatibility Algorithms, and Communication Tools play crucial roles in facilitating meaningful connections on dating platforms, especially for single parents.

Advanced Search Filters enable users to narrow down potential matches based on specific criteria that are important to them, such as age, location, interests, or even parenting styles and family values. This specificity helps in finding partners with aligning lifestyles and priorities.

Compatibility Algorithms go a step further by analyzing user profiles and behavior to suggest matches based on predicted compatibility, thus increasing the odds of a successful and lasting connection.

Finally, Communication Tools such as instant messaging, video calls, and forums provide safe and convenient ways for single parents to get to know potential dates before deciding to meet in person. And whether the dating service is an app only dating platform.

These features collectively streamline the search for a compatible partner, making the dating process more efficient, enjoyable, and fulfilling for single parents seeking new beginnings.

Top Single Parent Dating Sites in Canada

Navigating the dating world as a single parent in Canada can feel daunting, but thankfully, there are several dating websites designed to make this journey smoother and more fulfilling.

Among the notable ones, eHarmony stands out as one of the best dating sites for its comprehensive personality assessments and matching algorithms, tailoring connections to fit individual relationship goals and family dynamics. is another excellent choice, offering a supportive community where single parents can share experiences and find companionship or love. caters to professionals, including single parents looking for serious relationships, prioritizing compatibility based on personal and professional backgrounds.

Finally, provides a no-cost option for single parents focusing on affordability without compromising on the quality of connections.

Each of these platforms comes with its unique features and community vibes, ensuring that there's something for every single parent looking to embark on the dating scene in Canada.


eHarmony is widely praised for its scientific approach to matchmaking, which is one of its most distinctive features.

The platform uses a detailed personality assessment to understand users' deep-rooted values, beliefs, and preferences, ensuring matches are based on long-term compatibility rather than just surface-level attraction.

This methodical process, developed by psychologists, is often highlighted in user reviews as a key factor in finding meaningful relationships that have the potential to last.

Another strength of eHarmony, as noted in expert opinions and user testimonials, is its focus on serious relationships.

This commitment to fostering meaningful connections appeals to those who are looking for a potential partner with similar life goals, including single parents who value family dynamics.

The site's user-friendly interface and guided communication process also receive positive comments, as they help ease users into conversations with potential matches in a way that feels natural and less pressured.

Personal experiences shared by single parents on various review platforms indicate that eHarmony's compatibility model significantly increases the chances of meeting someone who is not only understanding and supportive of single parenting but also shares similar perspectives on family and parenting.

This alignment of values and lifestyle preferences is crucial for single parents and is a major reason why eHarmony is highly recommended within single-parent communities. stands out in the online dating world with its niche approach, specifically targeting single parents looking for love and companionship.

A distinctive feature that garners praise in both user reviews and expert analysis is its community focus.

The platform not only facilitates romantic connections but also fosters a supportive community where single parents can share experiences, challenges, and advice, thus creating a sense of belonging and understanding.

This communal aspect is further enhanced by the site's blog and forum sections, which cover topics relevant to single parents.

Another strength highlighted by users is the platform's detailed profile and matching system, designed with single parents' unique needs and time constraints in mind.

Unlike more general online dating apps, allows users to express not just their personality traits and interests but also their parenting styles and family priorities.

This specificity makes it easier to find matches who are truly compatible in terms of family life and values.

Personal experiences shared on the site often mention the positive, respectful tone of interactions, attributed to the shared experiences of single parenting which foster a mutually understanding community.

This common ground helps mitigate the stigma or challenges single parents might face in the broader dating scene, making a highly recommended platform for those looking to meet someone who can relate to the highs and lows of single parenthood. stands out in the online dating industry for its emphasis on establishing meaningful connections among educated professionals.

The platform's unique matching algorithm is tailored to the preferences and lifestyle of its user base, taking into account degrees, professional achievements, and career ambitions.

This focus on a specific demographic ensures that members are more likely to find matches who share not just personal interests but also similar life goals and values, fostering deeper connections.

User reviews often highlight the quality of the profile suggestions, crediting the platform's comprehensive personality test that dives deep into personal traits and compatibility.

Besides ensuring matches are intellectually compatible, also places a high value on privacy and security, offering features that protect user information and ensure a safe online dating experience.

Expert analysis praises the site for its user-friendly interface and educational blog, which offers insights and tips on relationships and personal development.

Personal experiences shared by users frequently mention the supportive customer service team and the overall satisfaction with the quality of relationships formed on the platform, making a preferred choice for professionals seeking serious relationships. stands out for its commitment to providing a supportive and welcoming environment for single parents looking for love.

It is one of the best dating sites to understand the unique challenges faced by single parents and tailors its features accordingly.

A key strength, as highlighted in user reviews, is the site’s ability to filter matches based on family preferences and children, ensuring that users meet others who are genuinely open to dating single parents.

Expert opinions commend the platform for its inclusive approach, allowing users to share stories and advice on balancing parenthood with dating through forums and blogs.

This not only enriches the user experience but also builds a sense of community and support among members.

Personal experiences shared by users often mention the empathetic customer service and the ease of use of the site, making it less daunting for single parents new to online dating.

Additionally, places a strong emphasis on security, with rigorous profile verification processes to ensure a safe online environment for its members.

This, combined with its dedicated focus on single parents, makes a favored choice among those looking to create new, meaningful relationships without compromising their family-first priorities.

What To Expect When Joining A Dating Site

Creating Your Profile

This is the initial step where you introduce yourself to other users. It involves choosing a username, often your first name or a nickname, and providing basic information such as your age, gender, and location.

Crafting an engaging bio that sums up your interests, personality, and what you’re looking for in a partner is crucial.

Uploading Photos

Private photos are a key part of setting up your profile on any online dating app. Selecting clear, recent photos where you are easily recognizable helps other single parents get a better sense of who you are.

Most online dating apps recommend including a mix of headshots and full-body shots, with some platforms allowing for photos of hobbies or pets.

Setting Preferences

Here, you specify the criteria for your potential dates. Preferences can range from age range, location proximity, interests, to more detailed attributes like educational background or future aspirations.

This step is vital for the algorithms to present you with compatible matches.

Personality Quizzes and Questionnaires

Some dating services feature detailed quizzes or questionnaires to understand your personality, dating style, and what you’re seeking in a relationship.

Your responses enhance the matchmaking process, allowing for more tailored suggestions.

Browsing and Swiping

With your profile set, you can start navigating through other users’ profiles.

Depending on the platform, this could involve swiping right to express interest, or browsing through profiles and sending direct messages to users you find appealing.

Messaging and Communication

Once mutual interest is established, either through a match or a mutual swipe, you can begin messaging.

This phase is about getting to know each other better, discussing interests, and seeing if there’s a connection worth exploring further.

Safety and Privacy Settings

An often overlooked but critical step involves adjusting your safety and privacy settings.

Many sites offer options to block or report users, control who sees your profile, and decide if your profile is visible to non-users.

Each step is designed to enhance the user's experience and safety on the platform, paving the way for meaningful connections.

Tips for Success in Single Parent Online Dating:

Be Authentic and Honest in Your Profile

Your profile is the first impression you make. Be genuine about who you are and what you're looking for.

Include details about your personality, your interests, and the fact that you're a single parent.

Keep Your Children's Privacy in Mind

While it's important to mention you have children, avoid sharing too many details about them on the platform. Protect their privacy as you venture into online dating.

Set Realistic Expectations

Understand that finding the right match might take time. Not every interaction on any dating platform will lead to a fulfilling relationship, and that's okay. Be patient and maintain a positive outlook.

Prioritize Safety, Both Online and Offline

Always exercise caution when interacting with new people. Use the site's messaging system before sharing personal contact information and meet in public places for initial dates.

Look for Potential Partners Who Share Your Values

Compatibility in lifestyle and values is crucial, especially when children are involved. Focus on finding someone who respects and appreciates the complexities of single parenting.

Involve Your Children at the Right Time

While your children are a huge part of your life, decide on the right time to introduce them to someone new. Ensure you have a serious relationship first to avoid unnecessary stress.

Seek Support When You Need It

Whether it's through the dating site's forums, your friends, or family, don't hesitate to reach out for advice and encouragement.

The path to finding love as a single parent might have its ups and downs, and support can make the journey easier.

Managing Time Effectively

To balance the demands of dating and parenting, consider creating a structured schedule that includes specific times for online interactions and dates, ensuring that family time remains a priority.

Utilize dating platforms that offer mobile apps to communicate and browse profiles during your free time, such as while waiting during kids' activities or after they've gone to bed.

Remember, quality over quantity applies to both dating and family time.

Communicating Openly with Potential Matches

Be upfront about your role as a single parent and your time constraints from the beginning.

This honesty sets the stage for transparent and meaningful conversations and helps filter out matches who may not understand your lifestyle.

Also, articulate your expectations and desires clearly; this will assist in finding someone who truly complements your life.

Maintaining a Healthy Balance

Setting boundaries is crucial. Make sure to reserve certain days or events exclusively for family time, without interruptions from your dating endeavours.

Likewise, when exploring new relationships, remember to dedicate time to nurture these connections.

Open communication with your children about your dating life should happen only when you feel the relationship is serious and stable, to keep their emotional well-being central.

Totally Free Single Parent Dating Sites

There are several free dating sites specifically tailored for single parents.

These companies offer apps for single parents to connect, share experiences, and potentially find partners who understand the unique challenges and rewards of parenting solo.

While some sites might have optional premium features, their basic membership allows single parents to create profiles, search for matches, and communicate with others without any charge.

It's important, however, to conduct personal research to find the most reliable and suitable site for your needs.

It's worth noting too, that it's standard practice for all online dating apps to offer a free version. This is to allow users to test drive their dating app before parting with any money.

Free Dating Site Downsides

While free dating sites offer a budget-friendly way for single parents to meet potential partners, they may come with several downsides.

Firstly, these sites often have fewer resources to invest in advanced security measures, potentially making users more susceptible to scams or fake profiles.

Secondly, without the revenue from subscriptions, free users might see more advertisements, which can be intrusive and detract from the user experience.

Additionally, the lack of a financial barrier to entry might mean a larger pool of users, not all of whom want to find a serious relationship, thus making it more challenging to find matches.

Lastly, platforms might offer free users limited functionality in terms of search filters and communication options compared to their paid counterparts, potentially making the search for a suitable partner more time-consuming.


Summarize the importance of single parent dating sites in facilitating meaningful connections and supporting single parents in their journey to find love and companionship.

Single parent dating sites emerge as a beacon of hope for single parents seeking to find love and companionship amidst their challenging routines.

By providing a platform tailored to the unique needs of single parents, these sites offer a space where individuals can connect with others who understand and respect their responsibilities.

The flexibility and accessibility of online dating make it possible for single parents to manage their dating life without compromising on their family time.

In essence, these platforms not only facilitate meaningful connections but also support single parents in their quest to blend personal happiness with their parenting duties, creating a harmonious balance in their lives.

Encourage single parents to explore the reviewed dating platforms, keeping in mind their unique needs and preferences, as they embark on their quest for romance and happiness.

As you step into the world of dating once again, it's important to approach this new chapter of your life with optimism and an open heart.

The dating platforms reviewed have been specifically chosen to cater to your unique situation as a single parent.

Remember, finding someone who not only captures your heart but also respects and understands your role as a parent is paramount.

Each platform offers a different experience and community; hence, taking the time to explore each one can help you find the most matches.

Keep your needs and preferences at the forefront of your search, and don’t hesitate to take that first step towards finding companionship and happiness.

Your happiness is essential not just for you, but for your children too, as they witness the joy and fulfillment that comes from a balanced and loving life.

FAQs About Single Parent Dating Sites

Are single parent dating sites safe to use?

Yes, most reputable single parent dating sites prioritize user safety with various security measures like SSL encryption, verification processes, and options to report and block suspicious users.

However, it's important to exercise caution and follow online dating safety tips.

How do single parent dating sites work?

Single parent dating sites are designed to connect single parents with potential partners who are interested in dating someone with children.

As a single mom or single dad, you can create a profile, share information about yourself and your dating preferences, and can then search for and communicate with other users based on matching criteria.

Can I find a serious relationship on these sites?

Absolutely. Many single parents use these sites with the hope of finding a long-term partner.

These platforms offer various ways to specify what you're looking for in a relationship, facilitating the search for someone with similar relationship goals.

Are these sites suitable for single parents with busy schedules?

Yes. Single parent dating sites understand the time constraints and responsibilities of single moms and dads.

They offer flexible communication options, allowing users to respond to messages and view profiles at their convenience.

How do I choose the right site for me?

Consider what you’re looking for in a relationship, the features that are important to you, and read reviews of various sites.

Many sites offer free trials, which can be a great way to test out the service before committing to a paid subscription.

Is there a stigma attached to using online dating sites?

The stigma around online dating, in general, has significantly decreased over the years.

More people recognize that dating sites are a legitimate and efficient way to meet new people, especially for single parents who may not have as many opportunities to go out.

What should I include in my dating profile?

Be honest and open about being a single parent, as this is an important part of your life.

Include information about your interests, what you're looking for in a partner, and pictures that accurately represent you.

It's also beneficial to be clear about your availability and how your family is a priority.

Disclosure: This website is an independent comparison site that helps consumers find the most suitable product for their needs. We are able to maintain a free, high-quality service by charging an advertising fee to featured brands whenever a user completes a purchase. These advertising fees might impact the placement of the brands on this page and combined with the conversion rates might impact the scoring as well which are further based on a combination of review findings, user experience and product popularity. We make best effort to present up-to-date information; however, we do not compare or include all service providers in the market.

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